Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Blog - District of Y'allumbia

Hey everyone,

So after a lot of hemming and hawing on my end, I've decided to write a post about my new blogging experience, called...

District of Y'allumbia

What is the District of Y'allumbia you ask? It's a blog I've been trying to get off the ground for about... 6 months. I've been struggling to write posts, but I'm officially going to get my butt in gear.

So - if you'd like to traverse over to my new blog and see what you think, the web addy is, www.yallumbia.com

What's Y'allumbia, you ask?

It's a blog about a Texan coping in the District... That'd be me... the Texan... learning how to adjust to real life... in the District of Columbia...

Get it...


Yeah... I think I'm funny, what of it?!

So come on over when you get a chance, www.yallumbia.com

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